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Please Share This Letter with Brentwood Friends

The city of Brentwood has a very important election coming up on May 6 where voters have the opportunity to elect three City Commissioners. We have had many changes in the makeup of city leadership in the past two years and the majority on the commission voted to make changes detrimental to Brentwood, both in the short term and long term. 

Rhea Little remains vigilant to protect citizen concerns with his vote on each issue that has come before the Board! It is vital that we elect Rhea Little to fight for our tax dollars and make sure Brentwood is Government of the people, by the people and for the people!

The election of good leadership based on integrity, fiscal responsibility and service to all is critical at this time!

Please download the letter below, add your name of endorsement and share with Brentwood friends.

Rhea Little for Brentwood Campaign_Letter_2025.docx

The Committee to Elect Rhea Little
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